ReviveAR app serves as resource for Take Back locations across Arkansas | April 19, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. | by Bradly Gill | Link to original article by Camden News
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (April 18, 2024) — The Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership (ARORP) encourages Arkansans to download ReviveAR to find a location near them for the 14th annual Arkansas Drug Take Back Day, which will take place Saturday, April 27 at over 300 collection sites across the state.
Drug Take Back Day was created to incentivize individuals nationwide to safely dispose of all types of unused or unwanted medication. Arkansas Take Back’s website, established by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and sponsored by ARORP, directs Arkansans to educational resources that help monitor, secure and dispose of medications. Arkansas Take Back has established an ambitious target to surpass the safe collection and disposal of over 300 tons since its inception. ARORP’s newly-released ReviveAR app contains various Take Back resources, including a search function to find drop off locations by name, zip code and distance.
“The easiest, most common way folks can obtain unauthorized prescription medications is by taking them from the medicine cabinets of family and friends,” said Kirk Lane, director for the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership. “This gives us the opportunity to proactively keep our communities and loved ones safe. We ask everyone who can participate to do so.”
To date, Arkansas Take Back has safely destroyed 580,750 pounds of medication, 23,678 pounds of which was disposed of in 2023. For more information about Arkansas Take Back, visit ARTakeBack.org. For more information about ARORP or the ReviveAR app, visit ARORP.org.