ARKANSAS, USA — The Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership (ARORP) launched a new cellphone app focused on helping people dealing with addiction.
The app is called ReviveAR and is designed to help with prevention, treatment and even recovery.
Among the features of ReviveAR, the app offers access to live written and audio instructions on administering the life-saving drug, Naloxone, if someone around you is experiencing an overdose. It also allows you to call 911 directly from the app.
Officials said students reported feeling less anxious in a situation like this when using the app, saying “they have an easy to use app with so many resources right at their fingertips.”
The instructions are offered in English and Spanish with Marshallese “coming soon,” the website said.
In addition to this, the app also offers access to
- Support for struggling families
- Instructions for safely disposing, monitoring or securing medications
- Find local prevention treatment and recovery resources.
According to ReviveAR, “The app is targeted towards all Arkansans,” explaining that to make progress fighting the opioid crisis, “we need to increase the capacity of Arkansans to prevent, teat and recover from opioid use and opioid use disorders.”
The app is available to download in the Apple Store or Google Play. For more information on the app, click here.