The “Blue & You” event at Criminal Justice Institutetoday (March 8, 2018) will save numerous lives throughout Arkansas! Here is how:
*21 law enforcement officers — Received training on how to properly administer Narcan (a Naloxone treatment that is designed to reverse an overdose caused by an opioid).
* 1,300 Narcan kits — Each kit consists of 2 Narcan (naloxone) sprays, gloves, CPR mask, etc.

* Unknown number – The officers who received training today also left with materials to assist them in training officers at their respective agencies.
* 63 – That is the number of lives saved throughout the 75 counties of Arkansas by use of a
Narcan/Naloxone kit.
Narcan/Naloxone kit.
* $125,000 – The amount the Criminal Justice Institute received from the Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas to purchase additional Narcan/Naloxone kits to distribute to additional law enforcement agencies in Arkansas.
*Unknown – The number of lives that will be saved in the near future! The more training and Narcan kits that officers, as well as other first responder agencies, receive, the more people they can reach to reverse an opioid overdose!