News – Page 6 – Arkansas Takeback


10 Make History as First Peer Supervisors in Arkansas

10 Make History as First Peer Supervisors in Arkansas

Peer Recovery in Arkansas continues to soar to historic heights as 10 veteran Peer Recovery Specialists have been promoted to supervisor positions. Jimmy McGill, State Opioid Response Coordinator and the state’s first Peer Recovery Specialist, said the Arkansas...

Arkansas Launches Peer Recovery Support Website

Arkansas Launches Peer Recovery Support Website provides critical recovery support services for Arkansans The Arkansas Peer Advisory Committee has launched a new website that provides public access to local information on recovery support services, as well as a safe space for Peer Recovery Specialists...

Number of overdose saves tops 500 through Arkansas program

Number of overdose saves tops 500 through Arkansas program

Naloxone kits and training for law enforcement and other first responders to help them respond to life-threatening opioid overdoses have saved over 500 individuals as of the first weekend in June – a milestone that highlights the importance of the Arkansas Naloxone...

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