Naloxone Access Among Top Priorities in Public Health
Little Rock, Ark. – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new study on Aug. 6 about pharmacy-based naloxone dispensing, which showed the rate of naloxone prescription was far too low in relation to the number of high-dose opioid...
The Drug Epidemic Is Landing More Kids in Foster Care Than Ever
The influx comes at a time when the foster care system is scrambling to adjust to major federal changes. BY MATTIE QUINN | JULY 25, 2019 AT 4:00 AM [from] Since 2000, the number of children placed in foster care because of parental drug use has more...
270 Lives Saved By Arkansas Naloxone Project
270 -that is the number of lives saved by the Arkansas Naloxone Project, which provides first responders naloxone toolkits to reverse an opioid overdose. The best part of this statistic, aside from the lives saved, is that many of those survivors have either attended...
CHI St. Vincent Hosts Opioid Epidemic Discussion with Arkansas Drug Director
From CHI St. Vincent [] CHI St. Vincent Hosts Opioid Epidemic Discussion with Arkansas Drug Director CHI St. Vincent welcomed Arkansas Drug Director Kirk R. Lane to discuss the state of Arkansas’ opioid epidemic with medical staff on Friday, July...
Since the summer of 2010, Arkansas has collected 173 tons of medications from Drug Take Back Day events. Although Arkansas is 33rd in population, the state ranks 3rd nationally in pounds collected per capita and 13th in total weight collected. The 17th Drug Take Back...
In just one day, nearly 29 thousand pounds of prescription medications were collected from more than 300 locations across Arkansas, breaking the previous Arkansas Drug Take Back Day record. “Community, business and law enforcement partnerships continues to grow...
JOINING THE CAUSE: 15+ Walmart stores to host ‘AR Drug Take Back Day’ locations
A multitude of Walmart stores across Arkansas will host AR Drug Take Back Day sites in the effort to “End the Opidemic” that plaques the state. The Arkansas Drug Take Back Day will be 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27 and will include more than 250...
Arkansas Drug Take Back Day Coincides with Launch of nARcansas App
With the launch of the nARcansas app coinciding with the 17th Arkansas Drug Take Back Day, the theme is “I can. You can. We can. Save a life with Narcan!” “The main goal of every project, every act we participate in is to save lives,” said Arkansas Drug Director Kirk...
States Convene to Raze Soaring Opioid-Dependent Newborns Rate
The rate of babies born with opioid dependency is soaring across the U.S., including a historic 15-fold rise in Arkansas. In a united force to raze the rates, multiple states sent representatives recently to a “Policy Academy” in Texas. Termed Neonatal Abstinence...
Substance Abuse Awareness Week to Run March 11-15 Across Arkansas
For the first time ever, college and university students across the state of Arkansas are joining forces to combat substance abuse. The inaugural “Save AR Students” substance abuse awareness week will be held from March 11-15, 2019. A news conference will be held on...